“Ears,” Short Story Reprinted in The Mystery BookShop Presents the best mystery Stories of the year, 2023, anthology and audio Book.
“The Milkmaid,” A Short Story in Massachusetts Review, Summer 2022, Print (and online here).
“Should I draw the mountain for you.” A Poem anthologized in The Southern Poetry anthology, IX: Virginia, By texas Review Press, 2022, print.
“Ears,” A short Story in Alaska Quarterly Review, Spring/Summer 2022, Print.
“The Emptying,” A Flash Fiction Piece in And If That Mockingbird don’t sing, A Speculative Parenting anthology through Alternating Press, Spring 2022, Print.
“Promise On the Tide” An Essay in Movable Type, The Tides and Transitions Issue, 1455, 2021, Online.
“Simmer.” A Short Story in Prism International, the Scab Issue, Spring 2021, Print.
“Statue from ‘Ain Ghazal” A poem in Jelly bucket 10, Spring 2020, Print.
“We are getting married in eight months” A Poem in Jelly bucket 10, Spring 2020, Print.
"Daria’s Knives," a short story in The Hopkins review 12.2, Spring 2019, Print.
“When you hear of the divorce.” A poem in Zone 3, Fall 2018, Print.
“Boiled Sisters” a short story in Sonora Review, Fall 2018, Print.
“False Morels” a short story in Oxford American, 100th issue, Summer 2018, Print.
"This Mile," A Poem in Carolina Quarterly, online, Spring 2018, Online.
"The Deca-Life Crisis," a short story in the Masters Review, New Voices category, Spring 2018, Online.
“Natural Mama,” a short story in Stirring Lit, 2018, Online.
“For the Soup,” an essay in Carve Magazine: 2018, Print.
“Should I Draw the Mountain for You,” a poem in the Naugatuck River Review, 2017, Print.
“Finished Chickadees,” an essay in The Pinch: 2016, Print.
“Certain Robins,” a short story in Gulf Stream, 2016, print.
"The finisher Barn," A Short Story in Appalachian Heritage, Fall 2015. Print.
“Deer Painted at Night,” an essay in Yemassee: 2016, Print.
“The Eager Shift.” Poem. Rock & Sling. Fall 2014. Print.
“Great Grandmother Notburga with Machete.” Poem. Rock & Sling. Fall 2014. Print.
“Lesions.” Short Story. Flyway. Fall 2013. Web.
“Walnuts.” Short Story. Ghost Town. Fall 2013. Print.